Wei et al. 2004

Wei, James and Harris, Jimmy G. and Esling, John H. and Edmondson, Jerold A. 2004. A phonetic study of Sui consonants and vowels. Mon-Khmer Studies: A Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistics and Languages 34. 47-66.


  author  = {Wei, James and Harris, Jimmy G. and Esling, John H. and Edmondson, Jerold A.},
  journal = {Mon-Khmer Studies: A Journal of Southeast Asian Linguistics and Languages},
  pages   = {47-66},
  title   = {A phonetic study of Sui consonants and vowels},
  url     = {http://purl.org/sealang/edmondson2004phonetic.pdf},
  volume  = {34},
  year    = {2004}